Real Reviews By Real People

Providing consumers with honest data

About Us

  • Over 4000 product reviews
  • Over 250.000 customers helped
  • Free to browse & use

Chosing the right product can daunting and overwhelming. We provide honest reviews and recommend the best product in many different categories. Providing consumers with good data and helping them make the righ decision is our goal.

Our tried and tested test process

Using machine learning and real people to filter out the "bad" products we can quickly find the best products in a specific category. This data is then published as a top 5 list.

Analysing the data & Staying up to date

We aim to keep all our guides up to date. We do this by constantly scanning for new products hitting the market and using feedback we get from consumers.


Marcus Stallings


Carole Schilling


Jerome Morris


Brian Corriveau


Nathan Garcia


Josie Lykins

Graphic Designer